Things you might need for your knee replacement recovery
Below is a list of helpful products you might consider getting before your knee surgery.
Recovering from a knee replacement can be easier when you have the right tools and supplies. Plan ahead and consider getting some of these helpful products from Amazon before your knee surgery.
Dr. Kurtz’s favorite products are denoted with a “ *** ”
Durable Medical Equipment
Exercise Equipment
Dressing Supplies and Tools
OTC Pain Medication
OTC Laxatives
OTC Sleep Aids
Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
The bathroom can be a dangerous place after a knee replacement. Some bathrooms may be small and not allow a walker to easily maneuver around the bathroom. Some commodes may be low to the ground making it difficult to get off the commode. Some bathrooms do not have railings or handles to help patients safely get up from their commode. In some situations, it may be safer to place a bedside commode in the bedroom and avoid small bathrooms until your strength has returned. Elderly patients, high fall-risk patients, and patients who have a small, unsafe bathroom may want to consider getting some of these items before they have surgery.
Shower Chair
A shower chair can help prevent falls in the shower or bath. Some elderly patients may benefit from having a safe place to sit while they clean up.
Elevated Commode.
Elevated commodes can be placed by your bedside or over an existing commode. It is helpful if your current commode is small or does not have railings and handles to help you get up.
Quad Cane
A Quad Cane can be helpful when learning to walk again. This cane stands up on its own without you having to prop it up against something.
This walker is a standard rolling walker. You may want to ask your friends if they have a walker that you can borrow for a few days.
Exercise Equipment
Knee Extension Pillow
This pillow is great for elevating your knee after surgery. The wedge design keeps your toes pointed up so gravity can help straighten your knee replacement. Other pillows will let your leg externally rotate so you don’t get as much extension.
Cold Therapy System
This cold therapy unit has a special pad designed for knee joints. Cold Therapy can help reduce pain and swelling for the first month after surgery.
Post Surgery Compression Stocking
These compression stockings can help reduce swelling after a knee replacement.
Post Surgery Tear Away Shorts.
These shorts allow patients to get easily get their shorts on and off without having to put their leg in a painful position.
Dressing Supplies and Tools
Having some dressings supplies on hand just in case you need to change your dressing after surgery is always a smart idea.
Water Proof Dressing
These waterproof dressings are 4x10 inches and safe to use in the shower. The dressing and water proof covering are all in one dressing.
Island Dressing
This 4 x 10 inch island dressing is a great option to cover your post op knee incision. Just peel off the backing and apply to one piece dressing to your incision. These dressings come in a box of 25.
Over the Counter Pain Medications
Voltaren Gel
Topical anti-inflammatory cream can help decrease the pain and swelling after a knee replacement. Apply the gel to the side of your knee but not directly on the incision.
Lidocaine Patches
You can apply a lidocaine patch to the areas of your knee that hurt the most. These patches will numb that area so you hopefully hurt less.
Most laxatives do not require a prescription and can be purchased at a grocery store or on Amazon. If you develop constipation after your surgery, drink plenty of fluids, move around as much as possible, take one of these laxatives, and limit your narcotics. If you are prone to developing constipation, please start taking one of these laxatives 3 days before your surgery.
Milk of Mag
Milk of Mag is a gentle laxative that is a little stronger than Docusate. Try taking Milk of Mag if you need more help than Docusate can provide.
Over the Counter Sleep Aids
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